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Shadow, Dark, and Light
5Rhythms Waves Workshop with Joanne Winstanley
Rome 2023 December 1/3 

We all contain aspects, expressions, and energies that shine bright: parts that are welcome, rewarded, and visible in the daylight. And we all contain aspects, expressions, and energies that are deeper, darker, and more mysterious: parts which are equally intelligent, vibrant, and necessary to our wholeness. We also have aspects and behaviours that we disown. Places we don't like to go. Parts that we feel we can't afford to acknowledge, within ourselves or in the world around us. These, we push into the shadows. 

In this weekend workshop, we will follow the maps of the 5Rhythms to explore and embody all of these realms, walking well-lit trails, exploring deeper parts of the forest, breathing life into forgotten places, and braiding the threads that make us whole.
PREREQUISITES: a minimum of 10 hours of Waves (5Rhythms classes) is recommended. Waves Level

Joanne teaches 5Rhythms with a deep respect for the transformational nature of this practice, for the insight it can bring to our daily lives, and for the unique discovery process of each participant. Her teaching is rooted in intensive studies with Gabrielle Roth, Kathy Altman, Andrea Juhan, and Jonathan Horan – and in a lifelong commitment to her own personal work. Since 2001, Joanne has held a steady space for her home community in Victoria BC (Canada), and has shared her love of this practice with students and communities across the continent. A natural catalyst, she uses evocative language and music, clear intention, good humour – and her spidey-senses – to consistently create a field where energy moves and healing happens.

“Joanne’s teaching style uniquely combines both gentleness and fire: nurturing us where we’re at while also challenging our growth.” - TM, student


Istituto Paritario Pio IX La Salle Aventino
Largo Arrigo VII, 7, Roma (Underground station: "Circo Massimo", trains: "Stazione Ostiense")


Friday 8pm/ 10,30 pm
Saturday 12 to 7 pm
Sunday 11 to 5 pm


€ 150 before October the 1st
€ 180 before November the 10th
€ 200 standard price
€ 30 optional to support dancers that may need
€ 25 Friday class only 
Association Membership Card € 15 valid till august the 31

Crew, 5Rhytms teachers, 5Rhytms spaceholders and unemployed discounted rate are available on request.

To register

Ask via email or whatsapp the application form to fill in
Pay € 50 deposit 
To complete the payment - cash at registration or via draft or paypal in the week before.

Bank details

Unicredit - Branch: Roma Non Profit Address: Via Lata 4 Roma
Account holder: Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Spazio Interiore
Iban: IT63S0200803284000104905854
Paypal: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (friendly mode only)

Info & applications

Jyoti +39 3401587793

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