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The Dancing Path

6 week Waves ongoing group with Alex Mackay (UK) assisted by Alessia Lencioni

"Mine is a dancing path." Gabrielle Roth

The group will meet online each Sunday for 6 consecutive weeks.
Time: 19:00 to 21:30 (UK time) | 20:00 to 22:30 (CET)
Dates: March 28,  April 4, 11, 18, 25, May 2 2021

In this 6 week ongoing group we will discover the Waves map of the 5Rhythms. Each session is dedicated to a different topic.

Session 1 | Introduction:  Beginning our adventure with this group of dancers, and our first footsteps together.

Session 2 | Flowing:  Following the meandering winding path into connection with our own physical bodies, and around any obstacles.

Session 3 | Staccato:  Setting intentions as we step out, making choices at the crossroads, opening the heart.

Session 4 | Chaos:  Trusting the path, surrendering to the truth of the moment, letting go of burdens.

Session 5 | Lyrical:  Seeing the beauty of our individual journey, expanding into the language of the soul.

Session 6 | Stillness:  Completing this dancing path in the realm of healing and presence.

This ongoing group would suit you if:

• You want to make some space in your life for changing, softening and deepening your experience.
• You're hungry for community, but are stuck at home.
• You are healing something.
• Your soul is calling for adventure.
• You feel stuck in life, in dance or in ways of relating, and are ready for a challenge or awakening.
• You are yearning to dive deep.


Teaching through Zoom in English with Italian translation, and the music on Mixcloud. Each session will consist of a warm up, some teaching, talking in small groups, and lots of dancing. Between each session some light homework or enquiry may be offered. You will receive instructions how to join a Zoom meeting and how to best set up your space after completing your registration.


This ongoing group is open to all beginners and experienced dancers. We recommend you dance a minimum of 5 hours online with an accredited 5RTA teacher before joining this group.


There is a sliding scale of 70 / 95 / 120 GBP or Euro. If money is an issue for you right now, please let us know. We have a few spots with concessions available. 5RTA members, Teachers-in-Training and SpaceHolders - please contact us for special pricing details.


Once we have received your registration we’ll send you further details about how to complete your payment. After the payment is settled you’ll receive all important information and the link and password to join the ongoing group on Zoom. Pre-Registration Required

Workshop level details

A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

Info and registration

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jyoti de Gregorio +39 340 1587793
Alessia Lencioni +39 347 1307275

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